Your Practice Made Perfect
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
155 episodes of Your Practice Made Perfect since the first episode, which aired on February 1st, 2018.
Episode 075: Out of Breath and Time
September 6th, 2019 | Season 1 | 18 mins 15 secs
case review, medmalreviewer, pulmonary artery thromboembolism
Editor and founder of, Eric Funk, returns with Brian Fortenberry to review a malpractice case of a 31-year-old male who couldn’t receive a CT scan for physical reasons and got a misdiagnosis of bronchitis that resulted in a tragic outcome.
Episode 074: A Site for Sore Eyes
August 30th, 2019 | Season 1 | 22 mins 19 secs
Host Brian Fortenberry chats with Emergency Medicine doctor, Erik Funk. Erik is the editor of the website, where physicians can get access to actual medical malpractice cases from legal databases. They discuss the multitude of resources that can be found on Dr. Funk’s site and when those resources can come in handy.
Episode 073: Litigation 101
August 23rd, 2019 | Season 1 | 27 mins 50 secs
lawyers, litigation
Katy Smith and J. Baugh walk through the basics of Malpractice suit litigation. What to prepare for, the statistics around some of these suits, and how a good partner can help a physician be prepared.
Episode 072: Data Driven Decisions
August 9th, 2019 | Season 1 | 20 mins 18 secs
malpractice insurance
This week on Your Practice Made Perfect, Brian discusses stats and what role they play in malpractice insurance coverage and medical practices, with Kathy Cartwright and Divya Parikh - vice president of Research and Education at the Medical Professional Liability Association.
Episode 071: The Case of the Right Knee
August 2nd, 2019 | Season 1 | 17 mins 13 secs
claims, malpractice
J. Baugh and Katy Smith, claims attorneys at SVMIC, sit down with Brian Fortenberry to review a malpractice case where a patient had the wrong knee operated on to repair a meniscus tear. They discuss the immediate discovery and the events that came as a result of a wrong-site surgery.
Episode 070: Failure to Follow Up
July 26th, 2019 | Season 1 | 11 mins 6 secs
closed claim, not following up, primary care, x-ray
Attorney John Ryman takes Brian Fortenberry through a closed claim case of a 72-year-old male who died two years after a primary care visit. When it was discovered that the doctor failed to follow up on a recommended CT evaluation, the patient’s estate filed a lawsuit.
Episode 069: Checks and Balances and Embezzlement
July 19th, 2019 | Season 1 | 16 mins 6 secs
embezzlement, practice management, risk management
On this episode, Laura Watkins observes the frightening topic of embezzlement and how it might be more common than you think. Watkins walks you through what embezzlement looks like and steps to take to ensure that your practice doesn’t fall victim.
Episode 068: Burning at Both Ends of the Candle
July 12th, 2019 | Season 1 | 22 mins 16 secs
burnout, manage workload, physician
Dr. Sasha Shillcutt has a candid conversation with Brian about her accomplished career in medicine and how she manages the workload. Through building support systems and research, she has been able to show other women physicians how to avoid the all-too-common burnout.
Episode 067: Putting Disaster Plans In Place
June 28th, 2019 | Season 1 | 16 mins 55 secs
disaster preparedness, goals, planning
Rana McSpadden and Brian Fortenberry talk about the various ways to prepare your practice for everything from tornadoes to cyber attacks. McSpadden explains the use of reverse planning to figure out your goals and the even bigger disaster of putting off the planning process.
Episode 066: Microperforations, Macro Problems
June 21st, 2019 | Season 1 | 18 mins 8 secs
closed claim, diverticulitis, er, patient
Katy Smith and J. Baugh join Brian Fortenberry this week to look at a closed claim case involving a 42-year-old John Doe with a 4+ year history of acute diverticulitis. The two discuss the patient’s trip to the ER and how a CT misreading led to the patient’s untimely death.
Episode 065: With Great Power Comes Professional Responsibility
June 14th, 2019 | Season 1 | 30 mins 25 secs
clinical, doctor, medical, power, professional responsibility
Dr. Scott Fowler and Brian Fortenberry examine the personal topic of professionalism in the medical industry, and a doctor’s covenant with society. Dr. Fowler explains how the practice of medicine is not a business but a calling.
Episode 064: Making Mergers Manageable
June 7th, 2019 | Season 1 | 18 mins 12 secs
acquisitions, mergers, practice management
Shannon Hampson joins Brian Fortenberry to discuss the exciting and potentially intimidating topic of mergers. Hampson explains why a merger may or may not make sense for your practice, as well as how to prepare for an impending merger should there be one.
Episode 063: Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse
May 31st, 2019 | 19 mins 10 secs
addiction, misuse, opioid crisis
Dr. Rett Blake joins Brian Fortenberry to discuss the many angles of the opioid crisis. Dr. Blake explains abuse vs. misuse, the symptoms of addiction, and the reason people are overdosing and how to prevent it.
Episode 062: When Small Concerns Become Big Problems
May 17th, 2019 | Season 1 | 18 mins 18 secs
diabetic, gangrene, lawsuit, malpractice
What started as a routine visit for diabetic medication turned into a case of gangrene and a lawsuit. In this closed claim case, Brian Fortenberry, Katy Smith, and J. Baugh remind us that communication and documentation are two of the most important tools for both physicians and patients.
Episode 061: Healthcare in the Line of Duty - Part 2
May 10th, 2019 | Season 1 | 19 mins 56 secs
military medicine, resuscitating, stabilizing, treating pain
Dr. Missy Givens returns with host J. Baugh to continue her discussion on advancements in military medicine. Dr. Givens explores the latest innovative methods for prehospital care such as stabilizing, resuscitating, and treating pain in patients.
Episode 060: Healthcare in the Line of Duty - Part 1
May 3rd, 2019 | Season 1 | 20 mins 35 secs
emergency response, military, modern medicine
Dr. Missy Givens joins Brian Fortenberry to discuss how the military is innovating modern medicine and emergency response methods to reduce mortality rates in the field, and how these methods carry over to civilian care.